mercredi 26 novembre 2014


Strange things happen sometimes
That was our first date and I
Brought her to this place
With sleeping bags and stuff

On the first night we camped
Under a great pine tree - romance
We both slept on the ground
But not too close, not to close yet

She covered my head
She covered my head
She covered my head with a shirt
So I don’t get moonburnt

I let that go by
But I thought…
She must care in her own way
She must really care about me
She must really care about us 

Finally I asked her
Why she did that to me…
She replied she wanted to save me
To save me from being crazy (x2)

She covered my head
She covered my head
She covered my head with a shirt
So I don’t get moonburnt

mercredi 12 novembre 2014


J’ai tapé ma tête 
J’ai tapé ma tête 
Je tenais la brebis
La brebis folle
Elle est partie en avant
Et ma tête a tapé

C’est mon pied dans un filet
Mon pied resté coincé
Je suis parti en avant
Avec la brebis folle
Et ma tête a tapé
Et après ma tête a tapé

Puis je me suis réveillé
Et je n’arrêtais pas de répéter
Que ma tête avait tapé
Que ma tête avait tapé
Ça avait l’air de t’inquiéter
Que ma tête ait si fort tapé

Tu as appelé les pompiers
L’hélicoptère est monté
Tout le monde me questionnait
Sur ma tête qu’avait tapé
Toi c’était pour moi que tu t’inquiétais
Maintenant les moutons tu t’en foutais

Et puis l’hélicoptère a décollé
Et moi j’ai pensé
« Look like you are happy
To see me go away »
Mais ce n’était pas vrai
C’était pour moi que tu t’inquiétais

mardi 11 novembre 2014


You came to France to be my best man
You ignored it, it was your friends
Buying you a plane ticket
To find a French woman like mine

O Jim, that was a good life
Working with you
Being part of the family

I met you so long ago now
It was at your parents’ ranch
We went through so many bars
Had such fun in so many camps

O Jim, that was a good life
Driving expensive cars
Not paying for the insurance

This house was open to anybody
Un coup de main for a whiskey
You and your family were so generous
That was a permanent vacation to me

O Jim, that was a good life
Laughing like kids
Not worrying about anything

jeudi 6 novembre 2014


It had been a long ride
Eight hours on a horse
Bringing food to his mates
To  a far away camp

I had no intention
To find a cowboy
No, that was not my intention

I couldn’t go any farther
But he wanted to show me
The surroundings
And this time, galloping…

I had no intention
To find a cowboy
No, that was not my intention

I hardly fell down
One, two, three times
The saddle was bad
My entire body hurt

I had no intention
To find a cowboy
No, that was not my intention

Being single suited me
He was patient, attentive
And he was himself
A funny, charming cowboy

mardi 4 novembre 2014


J’avais fait le tour de mes montagnes
Beaudon, Verclause, Aurian, le Lac
J’en voulais d’autres, des plus grandes
J’en voulais des plus hautes, j’en voulais d’autres.

Arrivée en pleine nuit chez les Thompson
Le premier matin, j’ouvre les yeux
Je découvre les moutons, les chevaux
Les sombres bâtiments, la rivière et le vent.

Tim, Jimmy, Donald, Barbara, Teddy and John
Ils parlent je ne comprends rien mais avec les bêtes
Dans mon travail silencieusement je me sens bien
Les yeux pleins de sommeil, en moi je me sens bien.

Nous buvons un café, nous mangeons des biscuits
Tim, Jimmy, Donald, Barbara, Teddy and John
Ils parlent je ne comprends rien, je regarde John
Il a les yeux bleus, je ris, je ne comprends rien.

lundi 3 novembre 2014


I was working for the Thompson Ranch
That was the May lambing in 1994
And she came down to the sheep shed
To see what was going on.

She had just arrived from France
The night before and
Everything was new to her.

The crew and I were occupied
Feeding and watering the ewes
So we didn’t stop to talk with her
As in France they would do.

She had just arrived from France
The night before but
Hard work didn’t frighten her.

At mid morning we all had a break
She ran to her cabin to get chocolate
And when she joined us back
There was just a little place next to mine.

She had just arrived from France
The night before and
Some day I would marry her.


Des images bien niaises
Des agneaux, un berger
Je n’y connaissais rien
Mais j’écrivais, j’écrivais
Je me demandais quel rôle
Dans le monde j’avais.

J’étais vraiment convaincue
Mais c’était pas gagné
Non, pas gagné

Mon père,
Je n’ai rien à te reprocher
« Vous êtes peu »
Voilà ce que tu disais
Avant de partir en vacances
Sur nos habits tes initiales tissées.

Je voulais vraiment faire ma vie
Mais c’était pas gagné
Non, c’était pas gagné

Je ne comprenais pas un mot
En arrivant, mais je souriais
Les moments durs si loin
J’essayais de les oublier
Toi, tu m’as fait rire
Quand je t’ai rencontré.

Tu as su me séduire
Mais c’était pas gagné
Alors là non, c’était pas gagné.